Chalk Painting
the Gospel Message
Evangelist Matthew Bowman
Virtually everyone, regardless of gender, age, or race, enjoys watching a proficient chalk artist at work. With rapt attention, people tune in and listen to old-fashioned Bible messages that tell them of their need for a relationship with Christ.
Matt Bowman's heart is to preach Christ to a lost world and to inspire Christians to live for God. Christ Jesus IS the solitary answer to the problems we face in this generation.
Matt uses the tool of drawing to engage the minds of his hearers as he preaches the unmixed truth of the Gospel. He is a favorite speaker at:
- Church services
- Vacation Bible schools
- Revivals
- Youth meetings
- Banquets
- Home school conventions
- Government conferences
- Law enforcement conferences
- Christian schools
- Public school meetings
- Colleges
- Corporate meetings
- Open-air meetings
Schedule a presentation you and your group will never forget! Hear encouraging messages from the Word of God while watching a chalk picture being painted. Hear the Word and see the drawing unfold and climax with an invisible picture emerging in black light!
What Pastors Are Saying About Matt Bowman
Matthew Bowman is highly gifted as an Evangelist with a unique approach to chalk art that few can imitate, he preaches while he draws. As a pastor, I highly prefer this style because the presentation time is cut in half. His dynamic enthusiasm will captivate and motivate you. His love for Christ will inspire you. His wit and sense of humor will put you totally at ease. He communicates well to all ages with a clear and compelling Bible message. He is low maintenance and does not put a price tag on his ministry. I highly recommend that you schedule him for a meeting now while he is available. I guarantee you will have a meeting yielding eternal results.
Professor and Pastor David LeGrand
It was our privilege to have Chalk-Art Evangelist Matt Bowman for a special Sunday last fall. We had a great day in the Lord. The drawings were inspiring and the messages were challenging. Brother Bowman's ministry was a blessing.Dr. Douglas Jackson
Community Baptist Church
Matt Bowman has a genuine servant's heart! He has been a blessing to both me personally as well as my church. Having Matt in your church will encourage your folks, strengthen your families and reach people who your ministry might not otherwise reach. His gifted artistry combined with sound biblical preaching is being used of God in many wonderful ways. I have had Matt and his family in our church for our children's summer Bible-time program and I can tell you, they were a tremendous blessing! I will have them back again and again. Matt is a quality man, preacher, husband and father! I am pleased to recommend Bro. Bowman to your ministry!Dr. R. G. Tharp, Pastor
Bible Baptist Church
Central Lake, Mi.
We had the privilege of having Brother Bowman for an entire week of meetings. (Sun - Fri.) The messages to believer's were both encouraging and challenging. Brother Matt has the unusual ability to draw AND preach at the same time. The content was excellent and the applications practical. The Friday night service on the crucifixion of Christ was powerful and is still talked about by those who were there. I heartily recommend Brother Bowman and look forward to having he and his family back at our church.Pastor Stan Slabaugh
Bible Baptist Church
Grove City, Ohio
Schedule Matt for your special meeting today!